1. the most basic reason, put simple, is that america itself is ceasing to exist as an economic system separate from the rest of world.
2. no one knows about his birth and antecedents
3. tell me about the antecedent events first
4. we must not concede any of our territory
5. facing total defeat in vietnam, the french finally conceded fully
6. he stated firmly that no concessions will be made to the strikers
7. on your decease, the house passes to your wife
8. his performance exceeded our expectations
9. excessive dieting can cause serious health problems
10. the child's incessant talking started to irritate her
11. lunch will be preceded by a short speech from the chairman
12. the project met with great public favor as an unprecedented success
13. the lastest machines are much more efficient than their predecessors
14. we can hardly expect to learn without making a good many mistakes in the process
15. our collection letters proceed automatically in a series, and occasionally a payment crosses a letter in the mails
16. his lawyers have decided not to proceed with the case
17. many clubs, organizations, and businesses follow this same procedure
18. my day has just been a never-ending procession of visitors
19. he has a receding hairline, which means that he has no hair in the front
20. her favorite things at school are music and recess
21. the country was falling into the depths of a recession
22. i advocate a policy of gradual reform
23. how many times have people who you call 'friends' aggressed against you?
24. it's too easy to meet aggression with more aggression
25. an aggressive country is always ready to start a war
26. the american congress corresponds to the british parliament
27. many materials will degrade if buried, but this can take a long time
28. they were sickened by the scenes of misery and degradation they found
29. my son is making good progress at school
30. the new medication slows down the progression of the disease, but it cannot cure it
31. they voted for a progressive party
32. he evaded a few tricky questions at the trial
33. tax evasion
34. what right does he have to invade my privacy
35. protesters raise placards and pictures of victims during japan's invasion in china
36. the film is a reflection of the violence that pervades american culture
37. fast-food chains are struggling here to improve sales amid the globally pervasive criticism that contribute to obesity
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